University of Leeds Open Data Group
Ontologies Used in our Linked Open Data
For maximum compatability with other linked open data sources we try to use the same ontologies and vocabularies to describe out data as other sites on the web use for simialr data. In some cases, however, it has not been possible to find an already existant ontology that is suitavble for our use and so we have devised our own. These are published here both to understand our data sets and to enable others to use them for their data.
Vocabularies used in our data
- rdf
- The Core RDF vocabulary
- rdfs
- The RDF schema vocabulary
- dc
- The Dublin Core Metadata vocabulary - used for general metadata about things
- foaf
- Friend of a friend vocabualry - used for information about people and contact details
- org
- The W3C organizational vocabularly.
- gr
- Good relations vocabulary for describing non geo-spatial relationships
- spacerel
- The Ordance Survey's spatial relationships vocabulary
- vcard
- The VCard vocaulary for describing contact information
- sy
- A vocabulary for describing syndicated resources
- freq
- Dublin Core vocabulary for descrbing frequencies of updates
- cv
- A vocabulary for describinging a curriculm vitae
- owl
- Vocabulary for describing ontologies and ontological relationships
- dcat
- W3 vocabulary for describing downloadable catalogues
- skos
- The Structured Knowledge Organisatition Systems vocabulary
- geo
- The W3 Geospatial vocabulary